Our Vision at St Francis Xavier Catholic Primary School 2023-2024


Our vision and aims at St Francis Xavier Catholic Primary School are rooted in the Gospel Values and virtues, with Christ at the centre of all that we do. We commit to empowering all of our pupils, in a warm, welcoming and stimulating environment, so that every child aspires to be the best they can be- developing the values, knowledge and skills that will support them, as life-long learners, both through their Spiritual journey, educational journey and their individual personal development. We want to ignite self-belief in every single child, so that they fully believe that they can be successful in every way possible and achieve anything to their fullest potential and beyond. 


We will do this by:

  • Ensuring that school is always a safe and nurturing environment, where every child knows they are safe, welcome and included
  • Providing an inclusive, ambitious, knowledge rich, sequential and progressive curriculum- tailored for all of our children- regardless of their starting points and individual needs
  • Providing a broad curriculum that develops character, intellect, physical and emotional well-being and cultural understanding
  • Delivering high quality teaching that enables successful learners and ignites a passion for learning
  • Providing a learning environment that is stimulating, supportive and fully inclusive
  • Ensuring behaviours for learning are taught and understood, so that every child bring out the very best in themselves and all those around them
  • Develop a deepened understanding of caring for our common home, through explicit learning opportunities underpinned by Catholic Social Teaching, The fundamental British Values and Our Gospel values and virtues

What do our staff want for our children... Staff voice September 2023

‘’To feel encouraged to fulfil their dreams.’’

‘’For them to truly know that they can achieve anything with hard work and determination.’’

‘’For children to flourish, using their God given talents.’’

‘’For our children to be happy and believe in themselves.’’

‘’For them to feel valued and to share their thoughts and feelings without fear of not being heard or listened to.’’

‘’To develop a secure understanding of Jesus Christ and that place he hold in our lives.’’

‘’For all children to have wider experiences both inside and outside of the classroom.’’

‘’For children to experience creative and immersive learning in class.’’

‘’To learn in an environment that is happy, positive and tolerant of everyone around them.’’

‘’For all of us to instil a love of learning and enthusiasm for learning- giving all of the children the chance to grow as individuals.’’

‘’To feel that school is a welcoming, warm and safe place where they truly love to be.’’

‘’To know what it means to be ready, respectful and safe.’’

‘’To have Christ at the centre of all that they do.’’

‘’For children to feel their voices are always heard.’’

‘’For all children to have a love of reading.’’

‘’For our children to know how to show respect to others.’’

‘’For children to develop their learning in subjects such as music and art- to use their creativity in school.’’

‘’For children to enjoy their free time in a safe and happy environment.’’

‘’For children to always have a positive start to the day.’’

‘’For children to be praised for their non-academic achievements.’’

''For all children to live their lives through the Gospel Values and Virtues.’’


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