The Month of October and The Rosary
The month of October is dedicated to the holy Rosary, one of the best known of all Catholic devotions. October includes the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (October 7). During this month of October, we have been joining together to pray the Rosary through a variety of opportunities- in class as part of our pupil led prayer and liturgy, as a school in assemblies and through spontaneous prayer opportunities as our pupil led Liturgy Leaders have invited children to join them at lunch times to pray the Rosary.
The Rosary draws its mysteries from the New Testament and is centered on the great events of the Incarnation and Redemption with each decade referring to an event in the life of Jesus and Mary. The Mysteries of the Rosary give us an overview of the life of Christ and his Mother.
- The Joyful Mysteries are taken mostly from Saint Luke’s Gospel in the New Testament. They involve the joyful events of Jesus’ childhood.
- The Luminous Mysteries bring a deeper understanding to the public life of Jesus. They focus on the childhood of Jesus and His suffering and death on the cross.
- The Sorrowful Mysteries remind us of how much Jesus loves us. They recall how He suffered and died just for us.
- The Glorious Mysteries tell us what happened after Jesus died-His Resurrection, the descent of the Holy Spirit and the love Jesus had for his Mother.
In this month of October, let us consider this beautiful prayer of the Rosary as a means to draw closer to Jesus and Mary by meditating on the great mysteries of our salvation:
"In each mystery of the rosary, we feel her (Mary's) closeness and we contemplate her as the first disciple of her Son, for she does the Father’s will." Pope Francis
Liturgy Leaders- Leading the Rosary
Our pupil led Liturgy Leader team have been inviting all pupils from across the school to join them in praying the Rosary at lunch times.