Name Title/Responsibility
Miss L Marshall Principal Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Smith Vice Principal SENDCO, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Kaminski Reception Teacher, EYFS Lead, Early reading lead, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss Horton Year 6 Teacher- English lead, KS2 Phase lead
Miss Marson Year 5 Teacher
Miss Ball Year 4 Teacher
Mrs Moore Year 3 Teacher (Music and PE lead)
Miss Gulzar Year 2 Teacher (Science and Computing lead)
Miss Dennis Year 1 Teacher (Art and DT lead)
Mrs Benbow HLTA
Mrs Arshad Teaching Assistant (1:1)
Mrs Doherty Teaching Assistant (EYFS)
Mrs Geddes Teaching Assistant (KS1/2)
Mrs Luxton Teaching Assistant (KS1/2)
Miss Pee Teaching Assistant (1:1)
Mrs Sanzari Teaching Assistant (1:1)
Mrs Smallman Teaching Assistant (Nursery)
Miss Whitehouse Teaching Assistant (Nursery)
Mrs Marshall Office Manager
Mr Brookes Site Manager
Mrs Blake Cleaner
Mrs Evans Cleaner
Mrs Cullen Cleaner and Lunchtime Supervisor
Miss Fagan Lunchtime Supervisor
Mr Hackett Lunchtime Supervisor
Ms C.Cullen Chair of Governors - Safeguarding Governor
Emmaus CMAC
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